The next note that counts.

Miles Davis // "When you hit a wrong note, it’s the next note that makes it good or bad."

Exactly  my Angel,
Bad notes happen to anyone. How you behave, what you say, what you do after that bad note happens to you counts. 
Be honest with yourself, do not look for excuses , be responsible and  graceful. 
Failing is not loosing , it is an opportunity to find  different solution.

I love you and I wish I could always be with you to guide and protect you.  One day though you will want to and have to take this steering wheel from me. I will be emotional (of course) but happy and will wish you all luck in the world.  Fingers crossed that life will not throw to many curved balls your way  but if it does , you will be strong enough to protect yourself. I know that. You are strong already.  Trust me. 
Love you 
