Awwww mummy moment

My darling!
Yesterday you gave me two  heart warming moments. One was in the morning on our way to school , was trying to explain you how hormones drive our bodies. How due to lack of sleep, stress we can affect our whole bodies. Tried to remind you about breathing Technics and meditation and how we can by doing "proper breathing" shut bad hormones and start producing the good ones.
You were listening without much eye rolling  (I hope as i can't see you when you are at the back :-) and said "Oh mummy you are like a doctor"
Evening same day, sitting on the couch and scrolling through Instagram, i showed you my friends picture. She has  make up school so i ask "Would you like to do a make up course one day?"  and you said, "No, i can learn all of that from you"

My baby. I had to write it here as i suspect when you hit teenage years you will not to learn anything from me. I truly hope it will be just a phase though and we will survive it both very gracefully.
Meantime i enjoy your comments like that, they truly make my day.

Love you my blossom.
